Category Archives for "Legal Articles"
Conflicts of law can help or hurt grieving families: here is what you should know about the jigsaw puzzle of damages laws in aviation accidents. In the aftermath of an airline crash, all attention is focused on how the crash happened and who is at fault for causing it. But once the lawyers get involved […]
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Eminent New York City Public Transportation Lawyer Educates NYC Public As NYC Is Set to Reopen – 3 Types of Public Transportation Accidents You Need to Know Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter NYC Public Transportation Accident Lawyer As NYC Reopens New York, NY , July 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With one of the largest and most […]
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When most people think about medical malpractice, they think of things like surgical errors and doctors’ mistakes. However, pharmaceutical mistakes and pharmacists’ errors can also occur. When they do, they can be deadly. Even more troubling, these types of mistakes have more than doubled in recent years, according to studies by AARP and others. Pharmacists’ […]
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Who Is Responsible When Construction Workers Are Hurt on the Job? Construction work is one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, and workers face serious risks every day. Unfortunately, injuries are common says Jonathan C. Reiter a leading NYC based Construction accident lawyer. When a worker is hurt on a construction site, the […]
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According to data from the National Safety Council, there were more than 34,000 deaths due to falls in 2016. Both at home and in the workplace, slip, trip and fall accidents are among the most common injuries. These accidents involve “slips” due to friction related conditions such as foreign substances on floors and stairways, ice […]
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When you are ill and go the hospital for treatment, you expect to be cared for. When you are admitted to the hospital, you have the expectation of appropriate and considered care by the doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who treat you. Should you receive less, and your condition worsens, the hospital may be […]
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