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Surgical Mistakes Often Kept Secret By Hospitals and Care Providers

Surgical Mistakes Often Kept Secret By Hospitals and Care Providers

The public deserves to know when medical care providers and hospitals make mistakes resulting in patient harm. Unfortunately, many malpractice settlements come with confidentiality agreements preventing injured patients from speaking out about their stories. Patients do not learn how frequently surgical errors occur as a result of these confidential settlements, which means patients cannot make informed […]

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Overuse of Testing Increases the Risk of New York Medical Mistakes

Overuse of Testing Increases the Risk of New York Medical Mistakes

Doctors routinely overuse testing for both serious and minor medical conditions. The Annals of Internal Medicine published a study indicating that hospitals reported overuse of testing in the majority of situations. Hospitals were surveyed and presented with practice patterns for two common clinical vignettes: both preoperative evaluation and syncope. The respondents were provided one of […]

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Report Suggests Ways to Reduce Medical Malpractice Incidents at Hospitals

Report Suggests Ways to Reduce Medical Malpractice Incidents at Hospitals

A new Public Citizen report about obstetric safety finds that the poor childbirth safety record in the United States is linked in part to the failure of practitioners to develop and adhere to standardized practices. The report, released March 12, states bluntly that “childbirth safety outcomes in the United States are dismal compared to other […]

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Wrongful Death Attorney-New York Jonathan C. Reiter – others argue Chiquita Banana case in Federal Court

On Friday, February 27, 2009, New York attorney Jonathan C. Reiter, appeared before Federal District Judge Kenneth A. Marra on behalf of over 650 victims of terrorism in the case against Chiquita Brands International. Mr. Reiter’s lawsuit alleges that Chiquita paid terrorists belonging to the notorious AUC more than 1.7 million dollars and armed the […]

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