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IS PERSONAL In all the ways it affects you. We can help.

New Technology to Reduce Deadly Medication Mistakes

New Technology to Reduce Deadly Medication Mistakes - Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, NY – Top attorney handles medical malpractice, medical misdiagnosis, doctor errors, surgical errors, MTA train and bus accidents, wrongful death, airline injuries & death, and construction accident cases.  Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. Reports state that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. What […]

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Mistakes in Medical Records Can Harm Patients

Mistakes in Medical Records Can Harm Patients - Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, NY – Top attorney handles medical malpractice, medical misdiagnosis, surgical errors, wrongful death, airline injuries & death, MTA train and bus accidents, and construction injury cases.  Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. When you go to the doctor, one of the first things you probably notice is that doctors and their […]

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5 Most Commonly Misdiagnosed Health Problems

5 Most Commonly Misdiagnosed Health Problems - Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, NY – Top attorney, handles medical malpractice, wrongful death, doctor errors, bus accidents, MTA, airline injuries & death, and construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. Studies show that misdiagnoses are a leading cause of medical malpractice. Shockingly, a recent report states that as many as 12 million Americans may […]

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Some Doctors Are Willing to Hide Their Mistakes

Doctors Misdiagnose These 5 Diseases the Most

New York City, NY top attorney, handles medical malpractice, wrongful death, doctor errors, bus accidents, MTA, airline injuries & death, and construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. For people who work in an office, making a mistake at work could result in the company losing money or possibly the employee getting chewed […]

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6 Questions To Ask Before Surgery

Why Are Women Misdiagnosed So Often?

New York City, NY top attorney, handles wrongful death, doctor errors, medical malpractice, MTA, airline injuries & death, bus accidents, and construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. For many people, undergoing surgery is an unsettling prospect. Unfortunately, the fact that medical mistakes are now the third leading cause of death in the […]

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NY Med Mal Lawyer Chimes In on Hospital-Acquired Infections

NY Med Mal Lawyer Chimes In on Hospital-Acquired Infections - Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, NY top attorney, handles medical malpractice, doctor errors, MTA, bus accidents, wrongful death, airline injuries & death, and construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. When people in New York go to the hospital for a surgery or emergency treatment, they shouldn’t have to worry about catching a serious or […]

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Medical Malpractice for Blood Transfusion Mistakes

Medical Malpractice for Blood Transfusion Mistakes - Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, NY top attorney, handles medical malpractice, doctor errors, wrongful death, MTA, bus accidents, airline injuries & death, and construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. According to the American Red Cross, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion every two seconds. Whether it’s an emergency situation or a […]

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African-American Mothers Are Four Times More Likely to Die Due to Childbirth Complications Than White Mothers

African-American Mothers Are Four Times More Likely to Die Due to Childbirth Complications Than White Mothers - Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, NY top attorney, handles wrongful death, doctor errors, medical malpractice, MTA, bus accidents, airline injuries & death, and construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. Having a baby is supposed to be a joyful experience, not a scary one. For a staggering number of women and families in the United […]

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ICU Medical Mistakes – Is Your Family Reluctant to Speak Up?

ICU Medical Mistakes - Is Your Family Reluctant to Speak Up? - New York City Medical Malpractice Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter

New York City, NY top attorney, handles doctors errors, medical malpractice, wrongful death, airline injuries & death, MTA, bus accidents, wrongful death, and construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. Study Reports Families Don’t Speak Up About ICU Medical Mistakes by New York Medical Errors Lawyer According to a study, described as the […]

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